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The Baublers is what we call our group of all ages and interests who create the decorations that brighten up Buxton all year round...

– Buxton in Bloom:

The work begins in spring, when we start preparing decorations for the summer Festival season – and this year we plan to try out decorations for Easter too.

Some of our team knit flowers, others crochet, and any who can come along to our weekly sessions in the barn get involved in helping to create the hoops, frames and installations that we put up all around town.


– Remembrance Day:

Once the summer decorations are down, we spend a few weeks creating poppy displays to arrange on The Slopes in commemoration of Remembrance Day. 

– Buxton in Bloomin' Winter:

Each winter we work with other community organisations to decorate the town for Christmas – one of the Town Team's big successes over the years was raising funds for Christmas tree lights.


We join forces with Buxton Sparkles to celebrate the season and we work with groups including the WI and FoBS to create festive decorations to brighten up the streets.


The Baublers meet most Monday and Tuesday afternoons throughout the year at our barn in Harpur Hill. Everyone welcome! If you'd like to come along please get it touch – lifts available!

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Buxton Baublers

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