One of the key challenges for Buxton in the coming years – as identified in 2015 at our 2020 Vision conference – is traffic, transport, access and parking: generally moving people and things around the town.
So we convened a second conference – Buxton On The Move – in 2016. Representatives from community groups, transport companies and the local authorities, as well as relevant experts, were invited to investigate what could be done to improve the town, taking into account everyone’s different needs.
The final report of the conference can be found here: CLICK HERE
As a result, we set up the Access, Parking, Traffic & Transport Group (now renamed the Sustainable Travel Group), tasked with developing an holistic plan for the town that meets the needs of all users, and with developing and promoting specific projects that will contribute towards achieving it. More details on some of these projects can be found by clicking the links below.
If you'd like to get involved in this work please get in touch:
Email: travel@buxtontownteam.org