Get involved

There's lots going on – something for everyone – come and join us...
The Town Team's aim is to make Buxton a better place, whether that means tidying up the streets, planting trees and flowers, or improving transport links to other parts of the Peak District.
We have a huge range of activities – and we're always open to new ideas – so whether you want to make friends by getting involved in existing groups, or coming up with a plan for something different, we'd love you to get involved.
Most of our activities are run by one of our key groups and you can find out more on their designated project pages. We welcome everyone who loves Buxton, no matter what your age or interests.
For more details on any project or activity, CLICK HERE to visit the projects page...
Become a member
If you’d like to make Buxton a better place to live, work and visit, then why not join us?
Membership is open to anyone who supports our objectives and costs just £1...
What we want is your ideas, your enthusiasm and your involvement.
Members receive a monthly newsletter by email, with project updates and information about coming events. To read the latest newsletter, or search the archive, CLICK HERE.
Ideas and progress reports are discussed at regular members' meetings, which are open to all supporters. New project suggestions – and new members – are always welcome. To find out more about what's happening, explore this website and drop us an email if you'd like to know more.
We’re always looking for people to get involved in our projects – and there’s room for all ages, interests and talents. Take a look at what’s happening and see if there’s something you’d like to help with, CLICK HERE.
To join Buxton Town Team, please complete the Membership Application Form below – or click on paper version (left) to download and print out. This may be handed over to any board member with your £1 joining fee, or dropped off at the Buxton Town Team mailbox next to reception at Buxton Town Hall.
For more details or information, email:
Our Team
Buxton Town Team is incorporated as a Community Interest Company and is overseen by a board of directors. There are currently 8 directors, representing a broad cross section of town life. For more details CLICK HERE.
Our activities are supported by a number of groups and project teams:

We are grateful for the support of numerous local groups and organisations including: