Operation Ashwood Park
Ashwood Park in Buxton is a potential paradise, a jewel alongside the River Wye. Once a beautiful place, after years of neglect it became sad and dark, not much used as a park at all, just a route between Morrison’s and Spring Gardens. Over the last few years there’s been a big improvement…
Work started in autumn 2014; volunteers from Buxton Town Team were joined by Public Service students from Buxton & Leek College, members of Buxton & District Lions and staff from High Peak Borough Council Parks Department. We also have regular help from members of Bright Opportunities. Paths have been cleared, lawns edged, new beds dug and old ones weeded; ivy and other growth has been cleared from the back walls, perennials have been planted and seeds sown; park benches have been restored and painted, the river cleared of a lot of saplings and rubbish, thousands of daffodil bulbs planted to brighten the area up in the spring. The park is beginning to look much better!
There’s still a huge amount to be done though. More sections of the river need vegetation clearing from the banks; there are more areas to clear of saplings and undergrowth; more perennials to plant – as well as ongoing maintenance such as weeding and pruning!
Our latest news is that we're seeking funding to replace all the bridges in Ashwood Park – including the one that is currently closed – to make the space more accessible and to encourage more walkers and cyclists.
Longer term, we’d like to get funding for larger restoration projects such as improving the tennis courts, perhaps even restoring some of the interesting structures that were dismantled during the war.
If you would like to join the volunteer team please get in touch: buxtonttwebsite@gmail.com